As co-organizer, under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, we bring to life in 2003 the dance festival “Wiesbaden tanzt”. It started as a small event and turned out as one of the most popular cultural events in the Lands capital.

2013, the second weekend of September, was the last time I worked for the dance festival "Wiesbaden tanzt". At this popular event, which has become an inseparable part of the calendar of cultural events, I have enjoyed ten good years.

Bei „Wiesbaden tanzt“ öffnen zahlreiche Tanzschulen, Tanzinitiativen, die Volkshochschule Wiesbaden e.V. und das Hessische Staatstheater Wiesbaden ihre Pforten, um ein Programm mit vielen interessanten Workshops, Tanzperformances und Tanzabenden der verschiedensten Musik- und Tanzgenres für alle Altersgruppen anzubieten.

Überall im Stadtgebiet laden Tanzpartys, Performances und am Samstag zahlreiche Aktionen an den „Tanzstellen“ und auf der „Offenen Bühne“ zum Zuschauen und Mitmachen ein. Auch „Tanz-Flashmobs“ an verschiedenen Orten in der Stadt überraschen das Publikum.

At "Wiesbaden tanzt" numerous dance schools and dance initiatives, e.g. the community college and the Hessian State Theatre in Wiesbaden, open their doors to offer a program including many interesting workshops, dance performances and dance evenings of different music and dance genres for all ages.

Everywhere in the city dance parties, performances and on Saturdays activities at the "dance stations" and open stage invite to watch and join. Also dance flash mobs surprise the audience at various places in the city.
