Once a year, the Schlossplatz in Wiesbaden transforms into the "world stage" and its own little microcosm.

2012 was a special year because the Foreigners Advisory Council of the city Wiesbaden celebrates its 40th anniversary as a freely elected and democratically legitimated committee. For me it was my 10th year as host and co-organizer of the stage program at "Internationales Sommerfest".

Since 1972, it is a tradition that the Foreigners Advisory Council of Wiesbaden invites the people to celebrate together in summer.

The committees’ summer festival is a festival of encounter. It shall promote curiosity to get to know my counterpart and to discover similarities and common ground. In 2012 it was the last time for me that I have been entrusted with the compilation and moderation of the program on stage, so that the party could be celebrated in good spirits on and in front of the stage.

At Internationales Sommerfest, there are only a few steps between countries like Turkey and Finland, Cambodia and Poland. In those years, guests could learn about cultures from all around the world. At the corresponding stands the visitors could also get information about the country of origin apart from typical local dishes and drinks.

See http://www.wiesbaden.de/leben-in-wiesbaden/freizeit/feste/internationales-sommerfest.php